Customer testimonials

“BlueBus has selected Ouest Composites to be one of its partners for the manufacture of external body panels for its 12m Bus. Its geographical location, the in-house tool manufacturing and its expertise were key points in this process. They supported us during the study phase in order to quickly find the right technico-economic/design equation. Moreover, we had constructive and responsive interactions which enabled us to launch the industrialisation of our parts in a tight schedule.”
Industrial Purchaser - Blue Bus
“As a partner of Bobcat France for 20 years, Ouest Composite has demonstrated, during recent calls for tender, its ability to make technical changes to its product to make it compatible with the new requirements of our current market, while remaining commercially competitive. Its many assets listed below have largely contributed to the durability of our collaboration: - rapid prototyping of polyester parts, - technical support, - meeting deadlines and price commitments, - the ability to deliver just in time according to our production.”
NPD Sourcing and Indirect Sourcing Manager - Bobcat France